7 Ways To Boost Your Personal Injury Client Leads

7 Ways To Boost Your Personal Injury Client Leads

There is fierce competition in the personal injury law space, no matter the city or state you’re in. So how do you distinguish yourself from other law firms and obtain more qualified leads from injured parties?

Just use the proven tips outlined below to obtain better personal injury leads for your attorneys. 

  • Talk To Family And Friends About Your Career

Many attorneys land multi-million dollar personal injury clients by just networking with friends and family. A recent study revealed that 25% of people who used a lawyer in the last 12 months asked family and friends for a referral. 

Of course, you need to beware of annoying your contacts by constantly reminding them you’re a personal injury lawyer. However, don’t be shy about sending a monthly e-newsletter to your family and friends with safety information. 

For instance, most of us will eventually get into a car accident, and the first few hours are highly stressful. It’s easy to make a mistake in these critical moments that can damage your case later. 

So, your first email might contain 10 helpful tips about what to do after a car accident to get a better settlement. Or, write an email about the 10 signs that you need to hire a personal injury attorney. 

  • Network With Medical Professionals

Many car accident victims have serious injuries that require medical treatment and follow-up care. Find doctors and other medical professionals you trust and offer to exchange business with each other. 

For best results, go out of your way to send the physician several new clients before the doctor does anything for you. When you show you’re willing to go out of your way to help them, they’ll help you. 

Some other medical professionals you can work with to get legal leads are chiropractors, physical therapists, and surgeons. 

  • Answer Legal Questions

Personal injury is a complicated legal niche, and most laypeople have plenty of legal questions after an accident with injuries. 

A fantastic way to get personal injury leads is to write articles for your blog that answer pressing legal questions. This builds awareness of your personal injury brand and puts you at the top of mind when readers need legal assistance. 

For example, many car accident victims never hire an attorney because they’re alarmed at what it may cost. They don’t know that personal injury lawyers usually take their compensation from the settlement or verdict amount. 

If you can relieve their fears that they can afford an attorney, they may reward you with their business. 

Also, you can offer your pro bono services at the American Bar Association to answer legal questions for low-income clients. This charitable work is worth it, but it may benefit your business, too. 

  • Work With Journalists

Becoming a source for journalists writing legal stories is terrific marketing for lawyers. Newsworthy stories involving personal injury happen every day, and journalists often need legal authority to flesh out their work. 

Try signing up for Help A Reporter Out A (HARO). This organization sends out daily emails containing media queries for experts and authorities on a variety of subjects. Offer yourself as an expert in personal injury law for your state, and you can quickly become a trusted legal authority in your community.

Boost Personal Injury Client
  • Use A Lead Magnet On Your Website

Did you know most website visitors ‘bounce’ and go to another site? These visitors don’t do you any good. Therefore, you should offer them something for free to get their contact information. 

A lead magnet is a free offering that website visitors receive in exchange for their email and phone number. 

For instance, you may offer a free report on the most common causes of car accidents in your city, according to city and state data. Or, what did the typical back injury client receive in settlements in your community for 2020? 

Providing free information for site visitors is a sure way to obtain qualified legal leads. These prospects will feel grateful for the fantastic information you gave and may contact you soon for help. 

  • Use Avvo Review For Lawyers

Avvo is one of the biggest and most popular legal websites, with at least eight million visitors every month. They use many legal marketing tools to get prospects to their site. 

The site features a Q&A service where prospects can get information about critical legal questions from lawyers. There also is an attorney guide and hundreds of helpful blog posts and articles about popular legal subjects. 

But the most important benefit of Avvo is the attorney review section. Many attorneys may not be thrilled with being reviewed, but online reviews are an essential part of attracting personal injury clients. Legal consumers want to be sure they hire an attorney who has plenty of experience and excellent results. 

As far as attorney marketing, this website has more than 600,000 contacts every month between legal prospects and attorneys. This huge quantity of qualified legal leads is one of the best reasons this legal website is so popular with attorneys. 

Each attorney profile has a section where clients and other lawyers can compose reviews. Attorneys are rated on a five-star scale. They also can write a review of how their experience was working with an attorney. 

  • Get More Legal Reviews

Don’t just rely on Avvo.com for your attorney reviews. Contact previous clients by text and email and ask them to provide legal reviews on Google Reviews and Yelp. Also, you should have your reviews posted on your attorney’s Google Business listing. 

It’s important to get as many legal reviews as you can. Remember, are you more likely to contact a business with three reviews or 100? 

The above marketing methods can be highly effective to get you more personal injury leads. If you use these methods for several months consistently, you should get a steady stream of leads. 

But if you need more, you always can rely on Lawpronation.com to help you obtain the marketing leads you need.


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