Personal Injury Attorneys: Why Your Leads Don’t Convert (and How to Flip the Tables)

Personal Injury Attorneys: 5 Tips to Get the High-Quality Leads You Deserve

Are you frustrated with the leads you’ve been generating lately? Are you getting a bunch of leads that aren’t turning into clients?

Generating hot leads for your law firm requires more than just running paid ads with your logo and a simple message. Lead generation is a complex strategy that involves a multitude of components and expertise to make it work.

For example, if you’re running pay-per-click (PPC) ads, they need to speak directly to your potential clients’ needs. Crafting an effective message requires a professional copywriter.

You also need to do more than just bid on some keywords. The strategy for running PPC ad campaigns isn’t intuitive. In fact, it’s highly complex and requires training and experience to execute. And if your website’s landing pages aren’t perfectly optimized, potential leads will bounce.

Build trust by showcasing your expertise, sharing client testimonials, and providing informative content that addresses common legal concerns.

mplement a system for immediate response to leads, whether through chatbots, automated emails, or a dedicated team member.

Improve communication skills, provide clear and concise information, and listen actively to clients’ concerns.

Clearly define your value proposition and communicate how your firm can provide personalized solutions to their legal needs.

Start generating leads that turn into clients

As a personal injury lawyer, your cost per click (CPC) is more expensive than other industries. If you’re targeting the same basic keywords, you’re getting crushed by law firms with 8-figure budgets, which means you’re burning your marketing dollars.

You can’t afford to continue generating phantom clicks and dead-end leads for even one more day. If you’re struggling to get leads that turn into clients, here are 5 tips to generate the high-quality leads you want.

  1. Keep leads close with automated follow-up emails

Not everyone with a valid personal injury claim will call you right away. Some people need time, and the only way to reel them back in is to use an automated email sequence.

Generating personal injury leads on the internet isn’t like getting a referral from a friend. Internet leads won’t always pursue you; you’ll need to pursue your leads, even when they have a valid claim.

People are often distracted and multi-tasking when online. They might jump from your website to social media and then forget what they were doing. Or, they’ll bookmark your website and sleep on it for a few days. If they don’t bookmark your site, they’ll just start looking for another attorney when they decide they’re ready.

Once a lead provides you with their email address, a solid, automated follow-up email sequence can help you convert them into a client. You’ll want to be persistent, yet helpful with your follow-up emails.

Here are three basic components of a strong follow-up strategy:

  • Send your leads useful information. Your first follow-up email should contain useful information. If your email marketing program has pre-made thank-you emails, don’t use them. Create a custom email thanking your lead for reaching out and include something that will help them immediately.

For example, send them a one-page PDF information sheet that will help them prepare for their case with all the reasons filing a lawsuit is the right move.

Many people believe they can’t afford an attorney and won’t follow up with you, even when they have a strong case. If you take cases on a contingency, be sure to include that information in your communications.

Also, be sure to brand your PDF downloads and include links back to your website.

  • Continue contacting your leads for at least a month. Not everyone will hire an attorney right away. Some people need more time. You need an email sequence that reaches out to leads for at least one month.
  • Be persistent. Your leads contacted you for a reason. They need to know if they have a case and if so, they want representation. If they left a phone number, call them. Don’t let them slip away. Persistence really does pay off.

The best way to get an effective email follow-up sequence is to hire a professional marketing company to create it for you.

Why Your Leads Don’t Convert
  1. Increase conversions with a landing page strategy

Do you send all of your leads straight to your home page? Sometimes that’s appropriate, but it’s ideal to create specific landing pages for your marketing campaigns. This is especially true when you’re sending leads to your website through paid ads.

Your landing pages are a continuation of your ads. When leads click on your ad, the content they see next should match the ad and continue moving them toward contacting you or providing their email address.

  1. Is your phone number prominent on every web page?

Many people will want to email you and think about hiring a lawyer, but some people want to call a personal injury attorney immediately. Placing your phone number prominently on every page of your website makes it easy for those people to call you.

  1. Target specific injuries

Marketing only to a general audience of injured parties won’t get you the hot leads you need to generate revenue and grow your firm. While reaching a general audience helps, you want to target specific cases, too.

You need a marketing campaign that targets every type of injury case you take. For instance, a separate marketing campaign for each of these injury types will dramatically improve your lead quality and get you more clients:

  • Dog bites
  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • Wrongful death
  • Medical malpractice
  • Premises liability
  • Workplace accidents
  • Product liability
  • Aviation or boating accidents
  • Birth injuries
  • Elder abuse or neglect
  • Asbestos exposure/mesothelioma

For each type of case you take, you need a marketing strategy that specifically targets people facing that specific situation. With a narrow market targeting specific injuries, your leads will be more likely to become clients.

  1. Hire Law Pro Nation as your personal injury marketing firm

If your current marketing services aren’t getting the results you want, you might be working with an inexperienced, self-taught marketer who took a few online courses and is now in over their head.

To get hot leads that turn into clients, you need an experienced marketing firm that specializes in personal injury marketing. Law firm marketing is a specialized industry, and our team of professionals has the experience required to get you results.

With our proven system, you’ll generate inbound leads that quickly turn into clients and revenue for your law firm. Our results are time-tested and proven. We can help you grow your revenue by generating leads that convert. Book your free strategy call with us today.


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